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Started by dvorakvik, January 29, 2016, 01:02:09 PM

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the whole TE0723 board documentation with two binary examples is located in

PetaLinux binary is downloadable with hat.bat which was written for Vivado.v15.2. Vivado.v15.4 users need to update the hat.bat file to actual Vivado location and actual Vivado version. The Readme.txt explains the installation. I have used 2G SDcard class 10 formated with FAT32 without any problem.

Propeller 1 binary works too. You need only to write your own *.bat file - similar as for PetaLinux. Propeller 1 sourcecode verilog files and Propeller compilator, IDE etc. are downloadable directly from Parallax WEB.


Antti Lukats

Additional docs and demos are in preparation too..