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QuoteSo far I've managed to flash sof files to EPC flash by creating the jic file.
But now I also want the elf file (generated by Nios gcc) also to be flashed into EPC flash.
Using Nios Programmer failes due to bug in sof2flash since 17.1 (related to cyclone 10)
There must be also other way:
I assume I've to add the hex file (converted from elf) to the "Convert Programming Files" tool.
Unfortunately the address where this hex file is placed seems to be wrong. The Nios application is not starting.
I'm basically using the provided Quartus design but added small Nios application.
Starting and debugging Nios application directly via Jtag works, so application itself is correct.
elf2hex --input=application.elf --output=application.hex --base=0x800000 --end=0x810000
Make sure the base address matches where your Nios II processor expects the application to be loaded in memory. You can find this address in the Nios II BSP settings (in the linker script or memory map).Page created in 0.015 seconds with 15 queries.