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0711/0706 USB not recognized by android tablet

Started by ckalaigian, February 01, 2017, 10:17:56 PM

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When connecting the 0711/0706 to our  laptop computer,  the laptop successfully detects the 0711/0706 and we're able to pass USB packets .  We use Matlab to transfer data and the FTDI device driver is set to a Virtual COM Port .  We are now attempting to communicate to the 0711/0706 with an Android tablet which required us to change the FTDI driver settings to D2XX Direct (using FTDI FT_Prog tool).  The Android does not recognize the 0711/0706 device.  We have a pair of 0711/0706 cards and this occurs with both of them.  Any ideas why this may not be working or any clues on how to debug this?  ( PS: Our Android tablet successfully communicates with other Vendors USB based development cards.)

Antti Lukats

How did you make the connection?

If you use 711 on 706 you must rework 706 with microUSB connector.

706 is in standard assembly fitter with USB host only, for 720 and 715 use, if 711 is used with 706 then the connector is WRONG


you found a picture with usb detection with Android OS on  attachement.