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USB 2.0 (FPGA module - TE320 Series)

Started by indirapriya, March 15, 2016, 10:04:51 AM

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Hi all,
   I am working in trenz FPGA module 320 series and i am using USB 2.0 protocol as a virtual com port and my question is that

I am not getting USB 2.0 with signalling rate of 480bits/sec.
1)why am not I getting same speed of USB 2.0?
2)shall i use that USB port as same speed?

please anyone give any solution for it

thanks in advance

Oleksandr Kiyenko


You can achieve high speed communication only with raw data. If you need high speed try to use TE API examples.
Virtual com interface emulate protocol used in serial converters and have HUGE overhead so can be used only for low speed comunication.

Best regards
Oleksandr Kiyenko