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Beginner with the TE0603-02 GigaBee board.

Started by willycat, January 28, 2014, 10:20:00 AM

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i am completely new to the fpga world.

i have the following hardware and software:

-GigaBee TE0600-02 board.
-GigaBee TE0603-02 carrier board.
-Xilinx Platform cable USB II.
-Xilinx ISE 14.6

I followed the instructions of the pdf in the TE-BSB archive except that:

-The content of the board directory of the TE-BSB archive was copied into \Xilinx\14.6\ISE_DS\EDK\board instead of \Xilinx\14.6\ISE_DS\EDK\data\board.

-It was necessary to temporary remove the axi_onewire_v1_00_a because even if choosing the PLB bus in the bsb wizard, the plb_singlewire_0 ip were configured to be connected to an axi bus and it was not possible to change this.

I did all the steps until the debugging phase:

- the print function does nothing (nothing is printed in the console). I tried with the "hello world" example and it does the same).

- debugging the software reveal that memory tests fail.

Can you help me ?



Oleksandr Kiyenko

Hi Willy,

Better try to build reference projects. BSB is not flexible and not working in latest ISE versions.
You can found reference projects in GIT repository

Best regards
Oleksandr Kiyenko