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TE0720 - Ethernet with LWIP and others Stuffs about Ethernet

Started by Bengs, October 17, 2024, 12:49:18 PM

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Hello Everyone,

I send this post because I encounter a problem on my TCP Server on my TE0720-04-62I33ML Board. I try to find some information on AMD, Stack forum but anyone reply me. I try to realize a 1Gb Ethernet with LWIP, I follow all wiki or document I find on this library and method to implement this fucntionnality.

Moreover, I realize with success to transfer data from my pc (winsock2) and my server on zynq to change several parameters or data on the board like delay, ip address etc ...

But my problem is when I try to send more data from my PL Ping-Pong Fifo. Currently my TCP windows (65 535 bytes in size) becomes full after 1-2 seconds. I try to implement a tcp_sent/tcp_poll and tcp_tmr for flag but nothing resolves my problem.

I give you a scheme of my current architecture of the server and a picture from the server, the client and finally a wireshark picture. I don't know how to pass this difficulty.

My last idea in order to resolve my problem consist of separate the PS ethernet with the command for the measure and the PL Fifo to avoid material interruption (-> others problems because this kind of interruption interrupts the tcp callback function in my PS) & to optimize throughput in the PL directly by adding a bigger tcp windows. I don't how to implement this and if this kind of things can work.

In all cases, thanks for your future reply and if you want you can contact me directly by mail. I wish you a good day.


Benjamin Laforêt.

(PS: I cannot send all my picture in one )