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TE0706-03 Carrier Card with TE0715-05 SoM

Started by sn_hughes, August 13, 2024, 06:04:41 PM

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Hi, first post here. This is my first time ever using a Trenz product.

I am attempting (failing) to do a simple UART application that prints "Hello, World" like I've done countless times on other Xilinx parts. I cannot get it to work with this one. I would have loved to do the same project that is a design resource, but I do not have Petalinux on my machine, and cannot have Petalinux on my machine. I am at my wit's end.

Has anyone simply done a standard Vivado block design + Vitis project to output to the console via UART?
My FPGA programs correctly (at least via the LED), but I constantly get errors; notably the standard transaction error DAP status as well as a memory error that the M1 port is not enabled.

Any help is MUCH appreciated. I likely come across as inexperienced in this message, and that is okay. I am not. I am just trying to get started with this new carrier card.



we have some reference design also with "Hello World" baremetal example instead of petalinux: