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Step-by-step videos solving the problems that arise in ATLAS

Started by Subcritical, May 16, 2024, 12:25:51 PM

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We have tried to reproduce all the errors and create a sequence of videos, including the one that was most difficult to watch because the arrow blaster recording failed in a Windows developer. The solution was so simple that it was precisely the most difficult error of all.

When you move the QUARTUS II to another folder, the arrow blaster stops starting correctly.

Mainly because the Windows service looks for the enablement of the service in the path that is saved in the Windows registry.

This mistake, such a simple thing, threw us in the development group.

- Spanish -


I'm going to translate into english the solutions seeing in this Spanish Fpgaforum.

The title in Spanish is:


First donwload the windows driver i use the version 2.5:
Select Driver 2.5

We must see the server JTAG, so the service that controls the incredible FTDI FT2232H at 20Mhz with the v2.5 driver. Notice that in the FT2232H the last consonant H means high speed, those modes could be developed in the future.

We must see the windows register to notice that all the parameters are correct.
So again we have the diagnosys tool from Arrow.

I up all the data we need.
In the last topic i will search inside the trenz website.
But is more confortable to habe all the stuff in the same thread.


The first thing is open the CMD in windows an see if the server JTAG is available.

net start
You need to search the name "Altera JTAG Server" listed like the image does.


The next step is open the services manager of windows.

The spetps are:
Frist go to the start menu.
Second go to Execute.
And type:



 One of the problems that arise when you move the carpet/drawer, the original path you give to windows in the instalation of quartus. You move also were is located the service JTAG, because it tries to search in the original place you install QUARTUS II WEB.

Is a silly problem, but a common one that you change the place of the instalation manually.
In that case you can see that the problem could be seen in the Service manager as follows.

There are to solutions, move the directory of QUARTUS to the install directory.
Or alter the path of the server inside the Service Manager.

Mostly is a headache to note that silly fail...


First uncompress the file of the arrow programmer.
Create a carpet with the content of the file provided.

Copy the file into the linux directory that contains quartus ii web and move into ---route----quartus----ii-----web----/linux64
We need put inside this place the file with the .so extension

In the direction of linux:
Create the file:
With this content:
# Arrow-USB-Programmer
 RUN+="/bin/chmod 0666 %c"
# Interface number zero is a JTAG.
 ATTR{interface}=="Arrow USB Blaster",\
 RUN="/bin/sh -c 'echo $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind'"

You can finish the session "easy way".
An try this configuration for arrow blaster ii.