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Microblaze to PC data transfer problem using USB

Started by umitcelik, September 19, 2011, 06:14:08 AM

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I am using TE0320 board for my project. I need to make data transfer between PC and microblaze. I acheived to send data from PC to microblaze but I could not achieve to send data microblaze to PC.

This is my PC side code:

data = new byte [16]; //allocate memory
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
      data[j] = j;

if (TE0300_SetData(handle, data, sizeof(data), PI_EP8)) //sizeof(data)
      cout << "ERROR" << endl;
   SendFPGAcommand(handle,WRITETOUB); //starts test

Microblaze side code(In the interrupt handler):

XPS_FX2_SetUSB_FIFOadr(XPAR_XPS_FX2_0_BASEADDR, PI_EP8); //dataread         

When I run PC side code there is no error but every time XPS_FX2_GetRXFIFOcount in microblaze returns zero. so, XPS_FX2_ReadRXFifo(XPAR_XPS_FX2_0_BASEADDR) always zeros.. I connected rs232 port to see the content of the registers.

Could you help me, I dont know what am I doing wrong. I dont need fast data transfer(DMA). It is enough to send data microblaze to PC or PC to microblaze.

best regards,


Ales Gorkic

Hi Umit,

First of all:
1. Did you used the precompiled SW and bitstream? I suggest you use the bistream without bootloader.
2. In the PC terminal application press: 1 ent, 2 ent, w ent, r ent

If still does not work then send the both terminal outputs to get better insight.

Best regards,



Dear Ales,

I directly load the bitstream to fpga. I am not using bootloader at this step.
The reference design working properly. I tested it as you explained before. As you know it working with DMA.  I need to make custom design and make the USB transfer in microblaze. In the same project I achieved the data transfer microblaze to PC bu I could not achieve to send daha from PC to microblaze. In the past  you advised to me use "count = XPS_FX2_GetRXFIFOcount(XPAR_XPS_FX2_0_BASEADDR);" but when I send data from PC every times count is zero in microblaze.

I need simply filling a buffer in PC(it is enough just fill EP8) and capture the data in microblaze. I dont want to use DMA transfer.
I send my code block before. Could you please help me to solve this problem to continue my project.



Ales Gorkic

Hi Umit,

It seems like the DMA drains the FIFO. Did you disable DMA?
You can do it in HW (disconnect DMA busses from FX2) or comment in SW.

Best regards,
