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TE0820 Basic Linux Example - Cannot boot from SD / Nothing on serial com

Started by edgar_lemaire, February 11, 2020, 02:22:21 PM

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I am trying to test the hello_world example from TE0820 Basic Linux Example.

I have the board "VCS-1 Embedded Processor Module for precision robotics applications (ZU4EV)" so my SoC is TE0820-03-4EV-1EA   

I copy prebuilt/boot_images/4ev_1e_2gb/hello_te0820/BOOT.bin and prebuilt/os/petalinux/4ev_1e_2gb/image.ub onto my microSD card. I insert the microSD into the slot on the board. I connect the micro USB to the only micro USB port of the board (J9). I launch GTKterm, and configure it on port ttyUSB0 (I know this is the right port thanks to a dmesg command) with baud rate 115200. However, when I boot the card, nothing appears in the terminal.

I don't understand what is the problem...

I must add that I am a beginner in SoC design.

Best Regards




I don't know the carrier from sundance.
Did you check that the boot mode (SD) is correct on this carrier? Maybe you need also other PS setup, than we provide for our carrier with the test board reference design.

Sundance provide files in his own repository:
You should start with these files



OK, I had wrong information, I do not have a ZU4EV but a ZU3EG...
I managed to launch the Hello World hardware app.
However, I am trying to do a Hello World by myself, to see if I am able to build a test application.
But this time I don't manage to see the Hello World on the terminal.
Is it possible to get help on that ?

I started from the same design files for hardware. I generated bitstream and exported to SDK, and created a FSBL and Hello_world application. I generated BOOT.bin in SDK and tried to replace the prebuilt BOOT.bin with the new one generated by SDK on the SDK card. Nothing is displayed.
Then, I tried to make a new petalinux project using the same HW description, I created an app following xilinx tutorial, but nothin happen either...




QuoteI managed to launch the Hello World hardware app.
which kind of hello world app did you mean?
You work with the project from the sundance git hub?
I didn't know anything about this carrier and the sundance git hub, so I can't help much more. Maybe it's easier that you ask directly sundance.
Xilinx provides also a lot of tutorials how you work with ZynqMP



I finally found a solution after merging sources from different tutorials.

The app I tried to build was the one from TE0820 TRM, which I found on Trenz website. There was no specific part concerning Sundance carrier. The tutorial is good enough, I was (and still am) just too much of a newbie to achieve it on my earlier attempts :)

Thanks for your help anyway,

Best Regards,
