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TEBF0808 boot from SPI Flash if no SD is detected

Started by wendylin, January 17, 2020, 12:07:14 AM

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I see in TEBF0808 TRM if the DIP switch S5-1 and 2 are set to ON, the system can boot from SPI Flash if no SD is detected.

I have a TEBF0808 starter kit and have not changed anything on it yet. I removed the SD card purposely to make it boot from SPI flash, but I don't see anything showing to the debug port. Does the start kit come with this feature?

Do I need to reconfigure anything to make it boot from flash?



do you have a valid design in the QSPI flash?

Boot Mode is shown on LED D7, when the board is powered on (press power button):


Thanks, John. I found out that the flash is not programmed by default. After I wrote image to the flash, it was able to boot from flash on the starter kit.

The problem is now when I move the same SoM to our own custom board, it cannot boot. Nothing happens. The ERR_OUT pin out is high. We dumped the register values as shown below. it looks the boot mode setting and power were good, but failed to read from flash. I don't know what else I could be missing. I have attached my schematic here. Thanks in advance.

==  Registers Dump
    BOOT_MODE_USER                  = FF5E0200:   00000002
    BOOT_MODE_POR                   = FF5E0204:   00000222
    RESET_REASON                    = FF5E0220:   00000021
    PMU_GLOBAL.PWR_STATE            = FFD80100:   00FFFCBF
    PWR_SUPPLY_STATUS               = FFD8010C:   00000007
    CSU_BR_ERROR                    = FFD80528:   80002400
    ERROR_STATUS_1                  = FFD80530:   00000000
    ERROR_STATUS_2                  = FFD80540:   04000000
    csu_status                      = FFCA0000:   00000000
    csu_ft_status                   = FFCA0018:   00000000
    CSU_ISR                         = FFCA0020:   00008024
    pcap_status                     = FFCA3010:   00000A02
    tamper_status                   = FFCA5000:   00000000
    jtag_chain_status               = FFCA0034:   00000003
    jtag_sec                        = FFCA0038:   000001FF
  1  PS TAP
     2  PMU
       13* MicroBlaze PMU (Running)
     3  PL
  4  PSU
     5  RPU (Reset)
        6  Cortex-R5 #0 (RPU Reset)
        7  Cortex-R5 #1 (RPU Reset)
     8  APU (L2 Cache Reset)
        9  Cortex-A53 #0 (APU Reset)
       10  Cortex-A53 #1 (APU Reset)
       11  Cortex-A53 #2 (APU Reset)
       12  Cortex-A53 #3 (APU Reset)
                               CRC ERROR (Bits
  • ): 0
                            DECRYPTOR ENABLE (Bits [1]): 0
                             PLL LOCK STATUS (Bits [2]): 0
                            DCI MATCH STATUS (Bits [3]): 0
                 END OF STARTUP (EOS) STATUS (Bits [4]): 0
                            GTS_CFG_B STATUS (Bits [5]): 0
                                  GWE STATUS (Bits [6]): 0
                                GHIGH STATUS (Bits [7]): 0
                               MODE PIN M[0] (Bits [8]): 0
                               MODE PIN M[1] (Bits [9]): 0
                              MODE PIN M[2] (Bits [10]): 0
              INIT_B INTERNAL SIGNAL STATUS (Bits [11]): 0
                                 INIT_B PIN (Bits [12]): 0
                DONE INTERNAL SIGNAL STATUS (Bits [13]): 0
                                   DONE PIN (Bits [14]): 0
                               IDCODE ERROR (Bits [15]): 0
                             SECURITY ERROR (Bits [16]): 0
         CFG STARTUP STATE MACHINE PHASE (Bits [20:18]): 0
                         SECURITY_STATUS (Bits [23:21]): 0
                                   RESERVED (Bits [24]): 0
                 CFG BUS WIDTH DETECTION (Bits [26:25]): 0
                        SECURITY AUTH ERROR (Bits [27]): 0
                                 PUDC_B PIN (Bits [28]): 0
                           BAD PACKET ERROR (Bits [29]): 0
                                 CFGBVS PIN (Bits [30]): 0
                                   RESERVED (Bits [31]): 0


you try to start startkit design on your carrier? This can't work, because you has other MIO configuration.

I quickly checked your schematics:
1:You use normal levelshifter (TXS0108ERGYR) for SD but you need SD levelshifter. I think this never should be some which supports SD.

2:Starterkit design use I2C interface to configure SI5345 on the module (over tebf0808 levelshifter), I saw I2C feedback is not connected on your carrier, so our Starterkit FSBL stops when he try to program SI5345.

So you must start with test_board design (set uart MIO like you has used on your carrier) and try qspi boot. --> in this case at first only qspi, DDR4 and uart is initialised on PS. If this works, add your other periphery to the PS and test it.



Hi John,

I tried the test board design and it works now. Thanks very much for your help and suggestions.
