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SDSoC hardware platform for 2019.1

Started by johnabel, July 31, 2019, 02:12:33 PM

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I want to create an SDSoC hardware platform for a TE0803-03-4DE11-A on a TEFB0808 carrier board, I'm using SDSoC 2019.1.

I am using the project  TE0803-SK0803_zusys_SDSoC-vivado_2018.2-build_03_20181112081021  as a base.

I updated all references to vivado 2018.2 to 2019.1 and the zynq_ultra_ps_e:3.2   to 3.3  in the scripts.
i also changed the 'set PARTNUMBER' to 24, for the board I'm using.

With these changes, I ran create_win_setup.cmd and it creates the project in vivado without errors.

I can export the hardware to SDK and run write_dsa successfully.

On SDK, I create an fsbl application based on the exported hardware with this warning:

"There's no DDR_1 in the HW design. MMU translation table marks 32 GB DDR address space as undefined"  I wonder if it's safe to ignore it.

I generate the bif and bin files from the compiled elf.

Then I create an empty application called dummy_app and modify the heap and stack sizes as per Xilinx UG1236
Same warning about DDR_1

I copy all these four files (bin, bif, elf and linker script) into a new folder. I modify the bif file as per UG1236 as well.

Now in SDx, I start a new platform project, import the DSA file, create the system configuration and processor domain, but generate fails without more details. Nothing in the 'Problems' tab either.

Does anyone see anything that can be wrong?


Dear johnabel,
I am using at present the TE0803-01-04EV-1EA on TEBF0808-04 with SDSoC 2018.2.
At present I do not have SDSOC BSP generation scripts ready for SDSoC 2018.3 and for SDSoC 2019.1 for TE0803 family of modules on TEBF0808.

I can try to port the SDSoC 2018 BSP bring-up project from 2018.2 to 2018.3 first.

Reason for it:
The 2018.3 board description files include exactly your part and also the Petalinux setup (Vivado project).
Therefore, move from currently supported SDSoC 2018.2 to the SDSoC 2018.3 should be possible and without risk.

I will try to prepare tomorrow such project (bring-up scripts for generation of SDSoC 2018.3 platform for the  TE0803 family of modules on the TEBF0808
If it will be OK for the TE0803-01-04EV-1EA on TEBF0808-04, it should be working also for your  TE0803-03-4DE11-A on a TEFB0808 carrier board in SDSoC 2018.3.

As I see it, in case of SDSoC 2019.1 I would propose to wait for TE release of the board description files for the Vivado/Petalinux for the family of TE0803 modules on the TEBF0808.
This is minimum needed, to bring-up correctly the Petalinux 2019.1 system.
It is pre-requisite for safe and risk free generation of the SDSoC platform from it.

I will let you know about my progress with SDSoC 2018.3 bring-up project.
If it will be OK, I will generate the SDSoC 2018.3 platform for your part to test on your HW.





Dear johnabel,
I have created, compiled and tested SDSoC 2018.3 platform for your TE0803-03-4DE11-A on the TEFB0808-04A carrier board. File: (55 MB)

I have tested several SDSoC SW examples included in this platform as compiled to HW accelerators on HW we have:
TE0803-01-04EV-1EA on TEBF0808-04A

All worked as expected.


Hi johnabel,
you can download 18.3 platform project from:
Link is 7 days available.

At the moment I can't give any timeline for 19.1 and the board description, which Jiri need to generate 19.1 SDSoC project. Sorry.



Hi Jiri, JH,
Having the 18.3 platform would be good, I don't expect much difference between 18.x and 19.1
for the time being, I'm busy with something version-independent but in the near future, I'll need to start from those platforms.
The problem is the link doesn't work!



sorry my mistake --> link was only one day available. Please try again this link:
